Point Mugu Airshow, March 19, 2023

March 23, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

A rainy day did not stop the Point Mugu Airshow from providing stellar performances from some awesome pilots and their air craft. The US Navy Leap Frogs jumped out of the Blue Angels' C-130, Fat Albert while all female pilots of 3 MH-60 Seahawk helicopters carried the stars and stripes over the runway in front of the crowd. The announcer said the all female crew is a nod to women's history month. Vicky Benzing also flew her 1940 Stearman biplane in flawless loops and circles before Aaron Fitzgerald defied gravity in his Red Bull Helicopter. The US Air Force Thunderbirds also performed in a show that was headlined by the Navy Blue Angels. I'm so thrilled I got to see both in the same show! 

Below are a few of my favorite shots. click on any image to go to the full gallery to see what else I captured. What a fun show and I'm so glad we went out there despite the chance that the rain would have cancelled the event. 

Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day. Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Ventura County Naval Airshow 2023Thunderbirds and Blue Angels headline the Point Mugu Naval Airshow in Ventura County, CA on Sunday, March 19, 2003. It was overcast and drizzly all day.




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